As Passionists, we place our focus on the Passion of Jesus Christ and its relevance in the lives of people today. Lent is our busiest time of year; we welcome you to any and all of our Lenten activities below listed below!
Somos Pasionistas y enfocamos en la PasiĂ³n de Jesucristo y pertinencia en las vidas de la gente actual. Tenemos muchas actividades durante la Cuaresma; le damos la bienvenida a cualquier Ă³ todas nuestras actividades!
- People of the Passion: A Lenten Reflection & Prayer Experience with the Los Angeles Retreat Center Community (LARCC): Thursdays at 7:30pm PST via Zoom, beginning March 6. Register online today!
- The Passionists of Holy Cross Province will be hosting an online Lenten Retreat series entitled, Grief & Grace, via Zoom on Tuesdays at 4pm PST, beginning March 11. Register online by clicking here.
- Visiting Mater Dolorosa: Many people come to the Retreat Center during Lent to walk our famous Stations of the Cross and visit our chapel and prayer gardens. PLEASE REGISTER IN ADVANCE at For a simple guide to the Stations, click here / Visitas a Mater Dolorosa: Mucha gente viene al Centro de Retiros durante Cuaresma para nuestro famoso VĂa Crucis y nuestros jardines de oraciĂ³n y capilla. FAVOR DE REGISTRARSE ANTES DE VENIR al Para un guĂa del VĂa Crucis, haga click aquĂ.
- Retiro de Cuaresma Para Hombres (Spanish-language Men's Retreat) - Apr. 17-20 / 17 - 20 de Abril
- Good Friday: April 18 / Viernes Santo: 18 de Abril