Living through historic times brings out the best and the worst in humanity; many of us have already seen this during this first, and hopefully last, year of the COVID-19 pandemic. The changes we have had to face, react, and adapt to have been considerable; the experience of helplessness and separation, which this health crisis has cause, something new for most of us. And yet, we have to live in and through the situation and its effects on all of us.
So where do we go in these circumstances? How do we find where God is in all of this?
Walking with God During Difficult Times is a retreat that may help considerably in this journey, as it draws parallels between the hurt and separation many of us have felt recently, and that which was experienced by those who came before us in sacred scripture. In listening and feeling, we can reflect on where God is calling us during this process, that far from being abandoned, He is with us on the journey if only we can notice His presence.
Our preaching team has put together a series of conferences that will be delivered to your email, offering you a retreat without the traditional schedule or setting, but an opportunity for self-reflection and exploration nonetheless.
Registration: $125
Retreat Program:
- Preparing for the Retreat with Dr. Michael Cunningham, O.F.S.
- Introduction to the Retreat with Fr. Mike Higgins, C.P.
- Holy Hour & Eucharistic Adoration with Fr. Bruno D’Souza & Paul Puccinelli
- “Walking With God…” presented by Fr. Bruno
- “Reconfirmation” presented by Dr. Michael Cunningham
- plus more!