prepared by the Passionists at Mater Dolorosa, Sierra Madre, CA
Welcome to our novena for Hope. Hope is an often-misunderstood gift from God, frequently confused with optimism in the secular world. Yet, it is so much more than this.
The novena for Hope will help you explore the many facets of God’s gift to us, how it affects our lives, and ways to enrich our spiritual relationship by exploring different themes each day.
A novena is a nine-day prayer format consisting of a different meditative theme for each day, a supporting prayer, and a repeating response prayer for the entire novena. We recommend a morning prayer time to see how the novena is playing out in your day.
To begin, click on the images below. There is a short (3 minute) introduction to the novena, which may be helpful if this is your first time using the novena prayer form.
God Bless,
Mike Cunningham OFS
Retreat Center Director and Co-Director Passionist Programming