Make a Gift in Memory or in Honor of a Loved One
A Mater Dolorosa memorial donation offers you a thoughtful, caring way to remember a friend, family member or your family name while contributing to our vital mission. To make an unrestricted memorial donation, please click the button above. (To maximize your donation, please use ACH transfer or a debit card, rather than a credit card, which has much higher processing fees.)
You may also name a chair, bench or door at the Retreat Center. Honor a birthday, anniversary, a special occasion or condolence for the loss of a loved one with one of the following:
- Chapel Seat Plaque: $1,500 (2 lines/25 characters each line; 12 available)
- Door of Retreatant Room: $5,000 (2 lines/27 characters each line; 21 available)
- Garden of the Seven Sorrows Chair: $2,500 (3 available)
- Monastery Memorial Garden Pillars: $500 per line (1 line - 30 characters per line which includes spacing and punctuation)
- Moreton Bay Fig Tree Bench -$10,000 (Site of the first retreat at Mater Dolorosa; 2 lines/27 characters each line; 1 available)
- Indoor Stations of the Cross: $1,000 (West wing, 1st floor, 2 lines/27 characters each line; 1 available)
For more information on naming opportunities Mater Dolorosa please contact Melanie Goodyear, Director of Development (626) 355- 7188, Ext 103 or MGoodyear@MaterDolorosa.org