We will not have a Harvest on the Hill event in 2024, but please save the date for a Spring Gala on Saturday, May 10, 2025!

Our 20th Annual Harvest on the Hill fundraiser was indeed a night to remember! With deep gratitude, we thank everyone who helped make this event a success. For our returning Guests, Sponsors, Donors, and Volunteers, we are grateful for your loyalty and support. For our newcomers to this very important event, we thank you for joining us and for your support. Thank you to our Co-Chairs, Kathryn Kenney and Eileen Richards, and to our Auction Committee Members, Clemencia De Leon, Jennifer Gowen, Kathy Coyne, Liz Polenzani, Lucy Medina, and Marie Darr. And a special thanks to Scott Vinci, Mary Gallagher and Tom Clark, our Catholic Laughter comedians, who brought down the roof!
All of us at Mater Dolorosa work hard to be good stewards of the gifts given to us on behalf of the beautiful ministries that take place here. Funds raised at Harvest on the Hill will support several projects at the Retreat Center, including tree care. Not only do our beautiful trees add to the peace and beauty of our campus, but they also reduce fire risk, improve Southern California air quality and reduce global climate change. We thank you for your generosity to keep the Retreat Center campus serene, safe, and healthy!
Your response to our call for help in meeting the needs of Mater Dolorosa is greatly appreciated. In 2024, we will celebrate the centennial of the arrival of the Passionists in Sierra Madre and the 100 years of service to the thousands who have entered our gates searching for a closer relationship with God. We look forward to a bright future and offering additional ways for those searching for spiritual renewal to find a deeper relationship with God on these sacred grounds. We invite you to continue to be a part of this exciting future with your donation of any amount.
We are still finalizing our Harvest on the Hill revenue and expense numbers, but we did not want to wait to let you know how much we appreciate you and how blessed we all feel to be part of such a loving and caring Mater Dolorosa family. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Thank you to the following sponsors!
Riboli Family
Luke & Colleen Welsh
The Barden Family
Ed & Colleen Roohan
In memory of Tim Higgins
Any questions? Contact our Development Office:
Melanie Goodyear, Development Director | MGoodyear@MaterDolorosa.org | 626-355-7188 ext. 103
Rachel Ramirez, Development Assistant |Â RRamirez@MaterDolorosa.org