Eaton Fire Update: Although insurance and disaster assistance have helped us begin repairs, we will need additional funding. Century Club membership funds projects including repairing the Garden of Seven Sorrows, rebuilding maintenance facilities and replacing vehicles. Please become a member of our Century Club today to fund repair and improvement of our beautiful and peaceful grounds!
Hospitality is an important part of the Passionist charism, and, thanks to your support, the Retreat Center is a special place for so many people to reflect, pray, and be restored by the love of Christ.
We have a large goal for Century Club membership this year, $125,000! Your membership funds numerous maintenance and improvement projects so that Mater Dolorosa can continue being a beautiful place of peace. Your Century Club membership will fund many projects in our building and grounds, including:
- Solar panels
: The installation of two solar arrays will have an immediate positive ecological impact and the panels will pay for themselves in five to six years. But we need to pay $1.2 million up front to install them! Pope Francis has called us to an "ecological conversion," recognizing that the world is God's loving gift and taking more responsibility to care for our common home. Thank you for supporting this important investment in the Retreat Center's long-term sustainability, both financially and ecologically!
- Buying new vehicles for the kitchen, grounds crew and housekeeping. We need several new vans and pickup trucks. (If you have a van or pickup truck to donate directly to us, please contact the Development Director at 626-355-7188 x103.)
- Re-bank the hillside between the Moreton Bay Fig and the grotto.
- Repair irrigation throughout the property. We are constantly working on repairing irrigation as soon as possible to save every precious drop of water. The wildlife keeps us busy repairing the damage they cause by chewing and knocking over sprinklers.
We are grateful to you for your on-going support and humbly ask that you renew and increase your annual membership to help us complete these projects. Century Club membership began on July 1, 2024, and ends on June 30, 2025. To maximize your donation, please use ACH transfer or a debit card, rather than a credit card, which has much higher processing fees. You may also mail a check or call the Development Office at 626-355-7188, ext. 103. For more information on supporting Mater Dolorosa please contact Melanie Goodyear, Director of Development at MGoodyear@MaterDolorosa.org, or Development Assistant Rachel Ramirez at RRamirez@MaterDolorosa.org.
Membership levels:
- $5,000 - Steward level
- $2,500 - Advocate level
- $1,000 - Ambassador level
- $ 500 - Patron level
- $ 250 - Sponsor level
- $ 100 - Donor level
May the Passion of Jesus Christ be always in our hearts!